The rise of biotechnology has brought genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into farming and food production, sparking significant public discussion. With more GMOs entering the market, the workload for testing labs has surged. This study thoroughly examines food products available in Bulgaria to determine the extent of GMO presence. Its goal is to offer an unbiased view of GMO distribution and variety in the Bulgarian market as of 2023. The aim of this study is to conduct an impartial assessment of genetically modified organism presence in the Bulgarian market, alongside verifying if products adhere to GMO labeling regulations. This research focused on examining 79 distinct samples of food products available in the Bulgarian market. Molecular genetic techniques utilizing quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were employed for analysis. In 91% of the samples no GMO was detected, 9% were positive for various GMOs authorized in the EU, but all of them were below the LOQ or content level below the threshold of 0.9% - GMO content for mandatory labeling. The findings from the analysis of samples for genetically modified organisms offer crucial insights into the present market situation and the level of adherence to regulatory standards. While the overall percentage of positive samples and contamination levels remain low, falling below the mandatory labeling threshold of 0.9% GMO-content, there is a noticeable increase in the variety of detected GM events.