Bulgaria is a traditional agricultural country, where various types of fruit crops, such as apple (Malus), pear (Pyrus), peach, apricot and plum (Prunus), are hosts to Anoplophora chinensis (citrus longhorned beetle). In addition, Anoplophora chinensis is a serious pest of ornamental and forest tree species, such as poplar (Populus), willow (Salix), maple (Acer), alder (Alnus), birch (Betula), chestnut (Castanea), beech (Fagus), oak (Quercus), rose (Rosa), etc.
Anoplophora chinensis (citrus longhorned beetle) is a widespread pest in Southeast Asia with climate types ranging from tropical to temperate. It has been introduced to the United States, but it has been successfully eradicated. In Europe, outbreaks of Anoplophora chinensis have been reported from Italy, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. The pest has been successfully eradicated in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. At this moment, there is no evidence that Anoplophora chinensis is present in the area for which the phytosanitary risk analysis is being carried out.
The main routes for the entry of Anoplophora chinensis into the EU and Bulgaria are through the commercial exchange and movement of planting material (plant material including bonsai plants) and wood products (including logs, timber, wooden packaging material from solid wood without bark and pallets) from host plants originating in countries with established infestation.
The probability of Anoplophora chinenis entering Bulgaria naturally is relatively low, despite the fact that outbreaks of the pest have been found in the Black Sea region of Turkey, since the maximum distance of natural spread of the pest in one year is about 194 m.
The presence of host plants, as well as the climatic conditions in Bulgaria, are not a limiting factor, which is why the pest has great potential to enter new areas and/or to adapt to new climatic and/or ecological conditions.
In case of entry, establishment and spread of Anoplophora chinensis in Bulgaria, it can have a negative impact, both on fruit production and timber harvesting, as well as on ecology, biodiversity in broadleaved forests and urban landscapes, and last but not least, on the development of the resort industry and tourism.
The effect on exports of agricultural produce and timber would also be negative.
A possible entry, establishment and spread of Anoplophora chinensis in our country would also affect the financial situation of farmers.

Phytosanitary Risk Analysis for Anoplophora chinensis (Forster, 1771) on fruit crops, broadleaved ornamental and forest tree species for Bulgaria
Plant Health